How Does Display Advertising Work?

What is Display Advertising? Display advertising is a way to grow your brand's awareness online. Display ads, also known as banner ads, are shown to your target audience whenever they are surfing online, but not searching for your product or service. These ads can show up on websites, mobile devices, social channels, online newpapers, etc, in various fromats such as, videos, images, and text ads. 

In order to uniquely identify anonymous users, online advertisers today tend to make use of cookies, which are unique identifiers of specific computers, to decide which ADs to serve to a particular consumer. Cookies can track whether a user left a page without buying anything, so the advertiser can later retarget the user with ADs from the site the user visited.

Things to think about and questions to ask yourself:

If you are building your Look a Like model, for ReTargeting, based of the traffic you have had sent to your site, make sure it is the right traffic. If you have been getting people to your site that are the wrong demographic and target, all you will be doing in your ReTargeting and Display efforts, is getting in front of the wrong people again. When working with a display vednor, make sure to ask the questions of where they are placing the banner ads, videos, etc, so you can see if those are relivent sources for your branded content.

Display can be pretty powerful if done right. However, there are a lot of companies out there that have created fake traffic through Bots, or have sent the ads to irrelevent sources and geography to get a big spike, so they can say they got a lot of click throughs. But this is easy to sniff out with your Google Analytics Source Channels. If you are getting a High Bounce Rate off of a Display campaign, that is a sure sign that they sent to the wrong traffic, and wasted your money.

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Display Advertising, Google Display, Banner Ads, Click Through Rate, Conversion Rate, Impressions